Saturday, June 5, 2010

Terry and Gary Gallo - 6/4

 Friday we started our batch of wine. Winemaking is a much easier process than I expected. It may be slightly more difficult if the first step involves someone pointing you toward a vineyard with grapes on vines, but when the first step is opening a box containing a plastic bag of juice and several packets labeled one through four, it's not that bad. We split the job up so I did anything involving strength and science while Terry handled adding ingredients and stirring. First  I transferred the bag of juice into the primary fermenter. You may notice the primary fermenter looks much like a big plastic bucket. My view of winemaking as an art form was fading fast.

 Terry successfully added "Packet 1" to water and did an admirable job blending the two together. We were well on our way.
With the able assistance of Jim, our trained professional, I checked the specific gravity which determines the alcohol percentage in the final product. It may look like I'm studying the results of a home pregnancy test but trust me, no urine was involved in the process. All of the temperature and other checks were exactly as planned. I have no idea what happens if they're not.
Terry added the yeast. I think we were up to "Packet 3" at this point. The yeast will deserve all the credit if this works out.

At this point most folks are done and come back in six to eight weeks to put the wine in bottles and slap some labels on. Being the hands-on people we are we plan on coming in periodically to do the intermediate steps including such precise tasks as transferring the wine from the primary to the secondary fermenter. That means siphoning it from the big bucket to a big bottle. There are other steps as well but by now my head was spinning with all the added information in my new life as a vintner.

Friday also marked the beginning of Pirate Festival. Several partiers stopped in the winery to get a head start.

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